You can search for the optimal route and the fare information from starting point to your destination. ‘Hyperdia’ is a service which offers timetables and related information for railways and flights in Japan. This provides timetables for Kyushu Shinkansen and all limited express trains in Kyushu. You may prefer to use Hyperdia mentioned below instead. You could decipher the timetable using the station number, but it is complicated. JR Shikoku JR四国 JR Shikoku TimetableĪlthough the website for JR Shikoku is in English, the timetables are in Japanese. The site also provides timetables for Kansai International Airport access from various stations together with useful route maps and major station maps. It even lets you choose types of trains, so you can search Shinkansen options except Nozomi/Mizuho, which is useful when you use Japan Rail pass. You can simply input departure station and destination station with date and time of travel, then the finder suggests several options for you to choose from. JR West route finder is a useful tool to find out train timetables including Shinkansen and connecting local trains. This shows the timetable for Tokaido Shinkansen between Tokyo and Shin-osaka only. This shows the timetables for Tohoku Shinkansen, Joetsu Shinkansen, Nagano Shinkansen, Akita Shinkansen, Yamagata Shinkansen, and limited express trains such as Narita Express. This shows timetables for all limited express trains and many local trains. Here you can find information on all 6 JR groups. Note that you cannot use JR Pass on these lines.

The remaining 30% belongs to other private railway companies mainly in urban and suburban routes such as Tokyo and Osaka areas. Together they operate a nationwide network of regional and local train lines including Shinkansen (新幹線).

This consists of six passenger railway companies of JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku, and JR Kyushu, and one nationwide freight railway company. 70% of this is owned and operated by the Japan Railway Group, more commonly known as JR Group ( JRグループ). Japan is covered by an extensive and reliable network of railways.